
Welcome to Eden Unlocked

And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yeilding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in it’s fruit…
Genesis 1:29 ESV

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Mostly Useless Filler

In my yard we have a plant that’s taken over for the last few summers. I’m not entirely sure where they came from but they’re not bothersome, they’re just there. These are called Indian Strawberries or mock strawberries. They aren’t harmful, people actually use them as fillers in jam. They just are not particularly useful.…

High Pain Day & Getting Things Done

As I’ve mentioned in passing before, I have the beginning stages of arthritis in my hands (at the ripe old age of 33) and fibromyalgia, which is the bigger of the two causes of my chronic pain and fatigue. Today I woke up and knew it was going to be a high pain day. I…

I Have Wee Baby Luffa!

Thanks to my scraping the seed and allowing them to sprout, my luffa are growing little baby plants! I’m excited to see what they do and how they develop. I plan to mow later today and then transplant my squash and zucchini into the garden boxes. Enjoy your day!

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